Happy Falliday Craft Show 2020
November 14, 2020 @ 9:00AM — 3:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
A Community Craft Show
The Vendor Application MUST be filled out and approved before payment is submitted. If you submit a payment without being a returning vendor or without receiving an acceptance email your payment will be refunded. Vendor Application Form
Please note: This is now a juried show and is also first come, first serve. We will only be accepting handmade items and non craft items that do not compete with handmade items (Tupperware, Usborne, Cutco, etc.) You have 14 days from your acceptance email to pay in full for you vendor table. If you can not make it to our show, please let us know by October 1st for a full refund. No refunds will be given after this time. You may not give your spot to another member of your team or another vendor. If you are a vendor and have any questions or concerns please contact Kari Nelson at kc0825@gmail.com. If you are not a vendor and have any questions about the show at the school, please contact Kim Beavers kbeavers@lccs.com.
A $20 minimum item is required for a drawing during the show.
- Vendors do not need to pay for a general admission ticket. All vendors receive two (2) general admission tickets.
- Set up Available Friday 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM or Saturday 7:00 AM- 9:00 AM
- If you are a vendor in the Gymnasium, you must set up on Saturday morning from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM.
- Students will be available for unloading and helping you load after the show.
- All Vendors must be set up by 9 AM on Saturday and must stay set up for the whole show. (NO LEAVING EARLY)
- WIFI will be available on the day of the show.